Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Journey Down Under

My journey down under begins. Papa brought me and mama through a long flight across the australian continent to Brisbane. Luckily the flight was a night flight, so I slept all the way until we arrived at Brisbane airport (well actually got up and play in Sydney Airport for transit). Papa was really excited and looking forward for mama and myself to join him. Our new house is located in South Bank which is about 1km from Brisbane City Centre. Now nearly a week gone and everything seems under control. Went walking with mama (of course I was either in the stroller or held by Mama) to the City Centre and Papa would join us after he finished working. This weekend they want to bring me to buy some housing stuff. Yeay, I want a new toy!!. Want to know how excited we were on our way from Malaysia to Brisbane? Just look at me, pictures taken while we were waiting for connecting flight in Sydney Airport...

Yummyy. The apple taste so gewddd...

I'm a happy boy..


Can you see my teeth?..nahh, none

Pst2..Look at Mama's happy as I am..but she cried when we want to say goodbye to everybody. Papa also cried, but only from, of course was a bit cranky that night because Mama and Papa won't let me sleep...uwaa


ellyWong said...

malam ni kite jumpe yer adam~ boleh main ngan insyirah. :D

roy said...

adam adam makin comel budak tu macam rooney mase kecik2 dulu heheheh

scrubber said...

hi hi. I don't know how i got to your blog but can't help but notice that Adam hakeem was born a day after my boy Noah Luqman.Cool or what!

scrubber said...

oh actually, I read your blog wrong, they do have the same birthdate!double cool.

Ida said...

salam dear...

dah smpi brisbane yer...alhamdulillah...nanti auntie smpi sana kita jumpa yer...

jgn lupa plak nak visit autie di perth...

HomeQueen said...

Hi Scrubber, send our regards to Noah..Later we can celebrate their brithday together..thats really cool..kak ida, nanti bila kitorang sttle down 110% we'll go to perth to visit u guys, but for the mean time, if you guys come to brisbane, please contact us..